Those words haunt me. Especially after witnessing the multiple celebrity deaths and the strife and danger in Iran. Here I am, at 42, in all likelihood halfway through my life (if I'm lucky), and I don't feel I'm really living it. I find myself in front of the tv or on Twitter or Facebook, ignoring the people in my home. It's so much easier to lose myself on the computer and not really engage with Casey or Ken. I don't know why I find this more fun than playing outside with Casey and Gracie. What kind of wife/mother am I? Is this the new norm for married moms everywhere?
I find myself unengaged at work and at home. It's simpler to stay hidden behind a computer screen, rather than volunteer for projects that will be hard work, particularly with uphill battles against the powers that be.
What exactly do I need to engage? What's holding me back? What am I afraid of? Failure? Success?