Monday, October 20, 2008

Why we need to defeat McCain and Palin

She supports a federal ban on gay marriage. This would mean that thousands of gay couples who are deeply committed to one another and the lives they've created together could not get legally married in our country...A country that was founded on the belief that all men are created equal, a country that is supposed to be one of the most civilized in the world, a country that has recognized time and time again that diversity is what makes us strong.

This woman makes me physically ill. Her statements in the debate that she "tolerates" gays is appalling. I can't believe that McCain picked a woman so narrow minded and bigoted. What happened to Christlike values---didn't Jesus preach love thy neighbor and ask us all to treat one another as we would like to be treated? He taught others to love one another, to reach out to each other, to support each other in times of trouble. I don't remember him saying Tolerate thy neighbor.

The far right has typically preached hate and intolerance, but to have a candidate like her, someone who is one heartbeat away from leading our country is truly unnerving and disgusting. What is going on in this country???

Oh by the way, is this really an important issue given everything that has gone wrong with our economy and the war in Iraq? Oh that's's the damn gays fault. They made these things happen, not the piss poor policies of the Bush administration and our Congress. Give me a freakin' break!

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